Vision College Of Commerce

Message from Management



At Vision Institute, we are committed to nurturing minds and shaping futures. Our foundation is built on valuesof integrity, excellence, and inclusivity. We strive to provide a transformative learning experience thatencourages curiosity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning. Guided by ethical principles, we foster a culture ofrespect and responsibility. Our purpose is to empower students with knowledge and skills, preparing them tocontribute meaningfully to society. At Vision Institute, quality education is not just a goal; it’s our unwaveringcommitment. Together, we aspire to create leaders of tomorrow with vision and purpose. Vision, A moderntemple of learning where quality education is more than a philosophy. We persistently seek and adoptinnovative methods to improve the quality of education with the thought “Sky is not the Limit”.

Mr. Om Prakash Agrawal

The Patron – SVA Group



India has been fast emerging as the talent hub for the global knowledge economy. At Vision School of Management, we are conceived and established to bridge the gap between the growing demand for quality management professionals and their availability. We are committed to developing leaders in management with the competencies demanded by a rapidly changing complex global business setting. We strive to produce managers of high caliber and develop them with a vision and an in-depth understanding of real-life business through diverse pedagogy and exposure.

On behalf of Vision School of Management & College of Commerce, I welcome all students who share our commitment and conviction for developing their careers to the level where they desire. It is rightly pointed out in our UPANISHAD-“You are what your deep driving desire is, As your desire is so is your will, As is your will so is your act, As is your act so is your destiny.”

As Chairman of the institute, it is my privilege to oversee the ongoing development of the institute into an effective learning center with an interdisciplinary perspective committed to making a difference. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join our world where life is an experience of change.

Mrs. Rukmani Agrawal

The Chairperson



Welcome to Vision Group of Colleges, a modern temple of learning where quality education is more than a philosophy. With an international exposure the various colleges were established with the aim of providing quality education in the field of management, technology, commerce and teachers’ training. We persistently seek and adopt innovative methods to improve the quality of education with the thought ” Sky in not the Limit”.

The faculty at Vision College’s represent an eclectic mix of Industry and Academic experience; national and international experiences. Under their guidance, we are confident to develop quality professionals and citizens capable of assisting in making India a developed nation and ultimately contributing towards improving the quality of life of our people. With steady steps, we continue our march ahead. We look forward to meeting you here at Vision Group of Colleges, chittorgarh.

Amit Agrawal

BEng. (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with Management
The University of Manchester, U. K.